Centered Class Schedule

Class Descriptions

Pilates: Small group equipment classes performed on a variety of Pilates apparatus including: Reformers, Ladder barrels, Wunda chairs and Pilates towers.  Enjoy the endless variety of body sculpting exercises that can be performed on this specialized equipment.

Please NOTE: Private Sessions are required before joining a group Pilates class.

TRX Fusion: “All core all the time”, this intense resistance training class recruits every major muscle group in the body. Throw in weights, serious abdominal work and calisthenics and this strength training class is the ultimate in body sculpting and muscle training.

Clients must sign up for class in advance by calling, 561-972-8504, emailing us, or using the signup link next to the classes below.

©Centered Pilates and Fitness, Inc 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
11575 US Highway One, Suite 207-208, North Palm Beach, FL 33408

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