10 Reasons I will go to Pilates today — written by a Centered Pilates Enthusiast!

I have had some issues to deal with lately and an having trouble getting motivated to go to Pilates!  I have two jobs and I’m dealing with grief and stress, not to mention the zillions of other excuses about how much work I have to do.      So this top 10 list is helping me focus on ME for 1 hour a day!

  1. I always feel better when I’m finished!
  2. My health is important and Pilates is part of my health care plan.
  3. Stress relief.  When life is crazy and stressful it’s easy to skip the things we need most…all the more reason to make it to the studio.
  4. Me Time. No time to think about those emails, your spouse, your kids or what’s going on in the world….Carving out time to just focus on yourself makes you a better person, puts life into perspective and leaves you ready to tackle the world.
  5. Time to Breathe.  Mindful breathing changes how your body feels, relieves stress and gives you a sense of connectedness to yourself.
  6. I already signed up….( Let’s face it…that 12 hour cancellation policy is a kicker when you are looking for an excuse….nothing worse than losing $$)
  7. Setting an example for my loved ones.  Whether it’s your kids, your spouse or your friends…you know they are watching.  When you make a commitment to your own health, they are much more likely to do the same!
  8. I love my Pilates instructor and the others in classes and do enjoy the sessions once I get there!  It’s important to have a teacher who you connect with, who inspires you, and knows how to make you laugh and have fun while you’re moving.  This connection is a great motivator.
  9. Working Level…..One of the things I love about Pilates is my ability to do it on my own level on any given day.  Having instructors who encourage you to work at the appropriate level allows me to feel safe, even on days where I am not able to give 100% Best of all, I get an effective workout without feeling like a failure.
  10. “Patience and Persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor.” ~ Joseph H. Pilates   ( You can’t argue with Joe….showing up on a regular basis is an important part of maintaining a healthy, balanced life)

If you’re like me and sometimes need a little extra motivation or push, I hope this list helps!  Feel free to print it and put it on your refrigerator or your bathroom mirror!