Fall is the time to start Pilates at Centered Pilates and Fitness

Fall special for Private Pilates sessions
 with Julia, Tracy or Veoletta
5 sessions for $350
It’s all about YOU!
Whether building core strength and improving stability are your goals, or your focus is on rehabbing an injury or recovering from surgery, or you are looking to improve your athletic performance, Pilates private sessions can help!  Your Pilates classes are held in a private, comfortable setting. It’s just you and your Pilates instructor working together to meet your goals.
  • We will create a Pilates workout for your exact needs.
  • This isn’t a “one size fits all” Pilates session.
  • We will customize an equipment workout using the reformer, tower, ladder barrel, Wunda chair and/or mat.
  • There is nothing to fear.   Your instructor will instruct you and coach you thru the Pilates exercises which can be adjusted to your fitness level.   
  • The springs on the Pilates equipment assist your body in doing things that might be very difficult without the equipment.   (Think about sit-ups.    People have told me that they have put off joining an exercise program because they couldn’t do sit-ups.    However, the springs on the Pilates equipment help you become accustomed to the exercise and help your muscles develop!
  • Every session will be different, informative and beneficial (and fun, too!)
  • You will see yourself making progress!  You’ll feel better and have more energy! 
Please call or email the studio to schedule.